Your privacy is important for us.
We at Phosphorescent take your privacy very seriously, and are committed to ensuring that any information collected about you through our website is kept private and confidential at all times. We comply with the Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth) and adhere to strict, Australian legislation surrounding your personal privacy.

Using your personal information.
Any information collected is used to help enhance your experience through our company, however this is optional, and you must agree to submit confidential information before we collect it. The data we do gather, with your approval, is primarily used to offer you relevant information about our business and services as well as to supply you with promotional materials including newsletters and new product offers.

We store your data in secured systems, located both within and outside Australia. Please note that we are a large company, supported by other agencies who may have access to your information, and who we are unable to monitor as closely. We do, however, only share your information within the legal and safe limitations set by Australian authorities.

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